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As more people become aware of climate change and their own carbon footprint, increasingly travellers are choosing to travel sustainably. Indian Ocean countries, island nations in particular, are particularly susceptible to the negative effects of climate change and many are encouraging eco-tourism to maintain the tourism revenue, but to also protect their natural resources.

Millions of people are dependent on the tourist industry to earn their living, so being concerned about the environment and your impact upon it, does not mean having to give up travelling, it just means you should travel more consciously. Travelling consciously means accepting responsibility for your carbon footprint, and respecting the environment and culture of the country you are visiting. You can do your bit to help Mother Nature by: choosing a hotel that operates sustainably, or alternative accommodation like an eco-lodge; visiting attractions or partaking in activities that do not harm the environment; and buying locally crafted souvenirs rather than those imported from China for example.

The links below will tell you more about the environmental history and eco-tourism in that country, what eco-initiatives they have taken, and includes a map and five sustainable travel facts.